Apropos – Oracle Free Tier

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) will be reclaiming idle Always Free compute resources from Always Free customers only. Reclaiming idle resources allows OCI to efficiently provide services to Always Free customers. Your account has been identified as having one or more compute instances that have been idle for the past 7 days.

These idle instances will be stopped 7 days from now. If your idle Always Free compute instance is stopped, you can restart it as long as the associated compute shape is available in your region.

You can keep idle compute instances from being stopped by converting your account to Pay As You Go (PAYG). With PAYG, you will not be charged as long as your usage for all OCI resources remains within the Always Free limits.

(Hervorhebung von mir). Für die Instanz habe ich tatsächlich seit dem Deployment keine Aktion in der Admin Console etc. mehr durchgeführt. Dieses Fehlen von Interaktion führt scheinbar zum Status „idle“.

Liest sich wie eine minor service disruption um Free-Tier User zum paygo Service zu „nudgen“ wie man neu-deutsch sagt.

Habe die Instanz heute mal durchgestartet – aber mal schauen ob sie dennoch in +/-6 Tagen noch als „idle“ gilt.

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